“Here at Cheyenne Elementary, we are committed to providing healthy foods to our students in a variety of different ways!” proclaimed Fuel Up To Play 60 Program Advisor and PE Instructor Erin Greiner. Embracing the spirit of student leadership embodied by this in-school wellness program, Erin encouraged her SWAT (School Wellness Advocacy Team) to come up with a way to involve other students. Together they decided to host a fruit tasting before school and a milk tasting during lunch. To students who ate breakfast on fruit tasting day, the SWAT team offered a sample of fresh cantaloupe, a fruit not often featured on their menu, and encouraged all kiddos to have a taste. Their initial milk tasting was held during first grade lunch where the SWAT students set up a table with different varieties of milk: chocolate, plain, and strawberry. After tasting, the SWAT team handed out tickets for the first graders to vote on their favorite milk. The winner? Chocolate!
Ideas on nutrition and physical activities to try at your school can be found at fueluptoplay60.com. At the top of the page, click on Stories to read about what other schools are doing, or Playbook to use as a guide for activities that best suit your school. As always, involve your students, and get creative with it!