Spanish Materials

Activity & Eating (Spanish)

Activity & Eating (Spanish)

This workbook helps adults to assess their nutrition and activity habits, then set goals for improvement. (Spanish version)

Suggested use:

Workbook, 8 pages

Eat the MyPlate Way (Spanish)

Eat the MyPlate Way (Spanish)

This piece takes information from the website and puts it into a 2 page handout. Included is information on what counts as a serving, the health benefits for each food group and helpful hints for better food selections for each of the food groups. On the reverse is a sample menu and suggestions to remain active everyday.

Suggested use: health fairs, parent/patient education, classroom ed.

Handout, 2 pages

Seven Ways to Size Up Your Servings (English & Spanish)

Seven Ways to Size Up Your Servings (English & Spanish)

Seven Ways to Size Up Your Servings helps to measure food portion sizes. This handout features graphic representations of serving sizes, related to common household items (for example – one serving of cheese is the size of 6 stacked dice.)

It is double sided with one side written in English and one side written in Spanish.


MyPlate Tip Sheet: Tips for Pregnant Moms (Spanish)

MyPlate Tip Sheet: Tips for Pregnant Moms (Spanish)

Spanish version:  Information on how much weight pregnant women gain during pregnancy. Tips on what types of physical activity pregnant women are able to do and what types of food moms to be should be eating.

Available in English/Spanish
Suggested use: Health fairs, parent/patient education

Click to download

Foods to Skip While Pregnant (English & Spanish)

Foods to Skip While Pregnant (English & Spanish)

Learn more about the foods that need to be skipped while pregnant. Content courtesy of WIC Arizona. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
These are double-sided with one side in English and one side in Spanish.

I’m One, and I’m Ready for Fun – Spanish

I’m One, and I’m Ready for Fun – Spanish

Here are some tips for raising a 1 year old child in Spanish. Topics include keeping them safe, family meals, trying new foods, and the benefits of dairy. This is a double sided tri-fold brochure that is not folded. Content courtesy of WIC Arizona. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Taking Care of Yourself During Pregnancy (English & Spanish)

Taking Care of Yourself During Pregnancy (English & Spanish)

Learn more about how to take care of yourself during pregnancy including tips for nausea, heartburn, and constipation. Content courtesy of WIC Arizona. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
These are double-sided with one side in English and one side in Spanish.

Introducing…Solid Foods! (English & Spanish)

Introducing…Solid Foods! (English & Spanish)

Learn more about how to introduce solid foods to your child. Content courtesy of WIC Arizona. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
These are double-sided with one side in English and one side in Spanish.