Downloadable Resources
Dairy Council® of Arizona and Nevada provides nutrition education materials on a variety of topics. The following materials are available to download and may be reproduced for educational purposes.Health Professional Resources
- National Dairy Council Dairy Science Summaries
- National Dairy Council Science Summary Dairy Innovation
- 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- 13 Ways Milk Can Help Your Body
- 9 Ways Yogurt Can Help Your Body
- 8 Ways Cheese Can Help Your Body
- Physician Backgrounder Guide: Dairy Every Day Is a Healthy Way to Nourish Brains, Bones, and Bodies
- Health and Wellness Professional Resources Sheet with QR codes
- Dairy Nutrition Notebook
- Myth Busting: Dairy and Acne
- Myth Busting: Dairy and Antibiotics
- Nevada WIC Friendly Snack Ideas for Kids
- Build Strong Bones with Dairy Products
- Boost Immunity with Dairy Products
- Meet Iodine Needs with Dairy Products
- What’s in Your Cup? Milk Comparison Chart
- A Healthy Plate: Guide for Parents
- The Importance of Iodine in Prenatal Brain Development
Bone Health
Dental Health
Child Nutrition
0-5 Years Old
- Feeding Tips 0-6 Months
- Introducing Solid Foods
- Feeding Tips 6-8 Months
- Building the Foundation for Healthy Eating: Infants 6-11 Months
- Feeding Tips 8-12 Months
- Airplane, Choo-Choo: A Guide to Feeding Your Baby for the First Two Years
- I’m One and I’m Ready for Fun!
- Introducing Real Milk at 1 Year
- Feeding Tips 12-24 Months
- Supporting Growth and Development: Toddlers 12 – 23 Months
- Dairy Every Day is a Healthy Way
- Milk as Part of a Healthy Eating Pattern for Your Child
- Perfect Pairings for 1-5 Years
- Smart Snacks for Ages 2-5 Years
- Nourishing Growing Kids: Preschoolers 2-5 Years
- Another Virus Running Through Your Home
Kids & Teens
- Tips for Parents with Picky Eaters
- Calcium and Kids
- The Truth About Flavored Milk in Schools
- Everything You Need to Know about Flavored Milk and Kids
- Five Reasons Flavored Milk Matters in Schools
- Family Dairy Fun at Home
- Chocolate Milk Infographic for Schools
- Milk Tasting Activity Packet
- Dairy Every Day is a Healthy Way
- Smart Snacks for Ages 6-10 Years
- Building Healthy Habits to Last a Lifetime: Ages 6-12 Years
- Printable Dairy Valentine’s Day Cards
- Myth Busting: Dairy and Acne
- The Value of School Meals
- Final Rule on School Nutrition Standards
- Necessary Nutrition for Teens: Ages 13-18 Years
Healthy Eating
- Healthy Eating Guide
- Eat The 5 Food Groups & Staple Shopping List
- Dairy Definitions
- Dairy Helps Meet Protein Needs
- National Dairy Council’s Food Models
- Cow’s Milk, The Natural Choice: Comparing Milk Alternatives Brochure
- Raw Milk Facts
- Dairy’s Role in Bone Health for Adults
- 30 Ways to Calcium
- 13 Essential Nutrients in Milk Infographic
- 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- 13 Ways Milk Can Help Your Body
- 9 Ways Yogurt Can Help Your Body
- 8 Ways Cheese Can Help Your Body
- Assessing Your Daily Protein Intake
- Heart Health and Dairy Foods
- Add Some Muscle to Your Diet With Whey Protein
- Where’s the Whey?
- More Dairy, Please!
- Worried About Hypertension?
- Dairy and the DASH Diet Plan
- Seven Ways to Use Yogurt
- What’s in Your Glass?
- Food Models with Leader Guide
- Staying Healthy and Vibrant: Adults 19-59 Years
- Aging Vibrantly: Adults 60+ Years
- The Power of Three Daily Servings of Dairy
- Real Milk, Real Benefits: Health Consequences of Replacing Real Dairy Milk
K-12 Dairy STEAM Activities for Learning & Fun
- Milk Tasting Activity Packet
- Lesson Plan: It’s All About The Cheese
- Family Dairy Fun at Home
- Mess with Your Milk: Milk Fizz
- Mess with Your Milk: Milk Color Swirl
- Mess with Your Milk: Homemade Yogurt
- Mess with Your Milk: Ricotta Cheese
- Mess with Your Milk: Cheese & Cottage Cheese
- Mess with Your Milk: Butter in a Cup
- Mess with Your Milk: Easy Ice Cream
- Dairy Ingredient Math Activity (Arizona)
- Dairy Ingredient Math Activity (Nevada)
- Making Cheese Math Activity (Arizona)
- Making Cheese Math Activity (Nevada)
- High School Dairy Nutrition Label Math Activity (Arizona)
- High School Dairy Nutrition Label Math Activity (Nevada)
- K-12 Dairy STEM Lesson Booklet
Lactose Intolerance
- Milk Tasting Activity Packet
- Lactose Intolerance 5 Things You Need to Know
- Fall in Love with Dairy Again
- Lactose Intolerance and Your Child – Handout
- Lowdown on Lactose Intolerance – Making the Most of Milk
- Cow’s Milk, The Natural Choice: Comparing Milk Alternatives Brochure
- Myth Busting: Lactose Intolerance
- Table of Common Dairy Foods with Lactose Amounts
- Enjoying Dairy Foods with Confidence
- What’s in Your Glass?
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Spanish Materials
- Guía para Comer Sano/Healthy Eating Guide (Spanish)
- Come de los 5 grupos de alimentos y Lista de compras básica/Eat the 5 Food Groups & Staple Shopping List (Spanish)
- Yogurt Suave. Frío. Sabroso/Yogurt Smooth Cold Tasty (Spanish)
- Come de los 5 grupos de alimentos y Lista de compras básica/Eat The 5 Food Groups and Staple Shopping List (Spanish)
- Rompiendo Mitos:
Intolerancia a la Lactosa/Myth Busting: Lactose Intolerance (Spanish) - Consejos para madres embarazadas/Tips for Pregnant Moms (Spanish)
- Consejos para las madres que amamantan/Tips for Breastfeeding Moms (Spanish)
- Apoyando Una Base Saludable para la Vida: Mujeres Embarazadas y Lactando/Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Supporting a Healthy Foundation for Life (Spanish)
- Consejos para padres con hijos quisquillosos con la comida (Spanish)/Tips for Picky Eaters (Spanish)
- Lácteos Todos los Días es una Forma Saludable (Spanish)/Dairy Every Day is a Healthy Way
- Combinaciones Perfectas Para los niños de uno a cinco Años/Perfect Pairings for 1-5 Years (Spanish)
- Una guía para alimentar a su bebé durante los dos primeros años/Air Plane Choo Choo: A Guide to Feeding Your Baby The First Two Years (Spanish)
- Consejos de alimentación para 0-6 meses/Feeding Tips 0-6 Months (Spanish)
- Consejos de alimentación para 6-8 meses/Feeding Tips 6-8 Months (Spanish)
- Construyendo las bases para una alimentación saludable: Bebés de 6 a 11 Meses/Building the Foundation for Healthy Eating: Infants 6-11 Months (Spanish)
- Consejos de alimentación para 8-12 meses/Feeding Tips 8-12 Months (Spanish)
- Consejos de alimentación para 12-24 meses/Feeding Tips 12-24 Months (Spanish)
- Introduciendo Leche Real al Año de Edad/Introducing Real Milk at 1 Year (Spanish)
- Introducción de Alimentos Sólidos/Introducing Solid Foods (Spanish)
- Tengo 1 año y estoy listo para la diversión!/I’m One and I’m Ready for Fun (Spanish)
- Nutriendo Niños en Crecimiento: Niños en Edad Preescolar de 2 a 5 Años/Nourishing Growing Kids: Preschoolers 2-5 Years (Spanish)
- Snacks Inteligentes 2-5 años/Smart Snacks for Ages 2-5 (Spanish)
- Snacks Inteligentes 6-10 años/Smart Snacks for Ages 6-10 (Spanish)
- Creando Hábitos Saludables que Duren Toda la Vida:Alumnos de Primaria de 6 a 12 Años/ Building Healthy Habits to Last a Lifetime: Ages 6-12(Spanish)
- Alimentos que Saltarse Durante el Embarazo/Foods to Skip While Pregnant (Spanish)
- Cuidados Durante el Embarazo/Taking Care of Yourself During Pregnancy (Spanish)
- Salud del Corazón y Alimentos Lácteos /Heart Health and Dairy Foods (Spanish)
- Evalúa tu Ingesta de Proteína Diaria/Assessing Your Daily Protein Intake (Spanish)
- Agrega un Poco du Músculo a tu Dieta con Proteína de Suero/Add Some Muscle to Your Diet With Whet Protein (Spanish)
- ¿Dónde Está el Suero?/Where’s the Whey (Spanish)
- ¡Más lácteos, por favor!/More Dairy, Please! (Spanish)
- ¿Preocupado por la hipertensión?/Worried About Hypertension? (Spanish)
- 8 Maneras el Queso Puede Ayudar a tu Cuerpo/8 Ways Cheese Can Help Your Body (Spanish)
- 9 Maneras el Yogurt Puede Ayudar a tu Cuerpo/9 Ways Yogurt Can Help Your Body (Spanish)
- Los Lácteos Y el Plan de Dieta DASH/Dairy and the DASH Diet Plan (Spanish)
- Siete Maneras de Usar el Yogurt/Seven Ways to Use Yogurt (Spanish)
- ¿Qué Hay en tu Vaso?/What’s in Your Glass? (Spanish)
- Envejeciendo Vibrantemente; Adultos Mayores de 60 Años/ Aging Vibrantly: Adults Ages 60+ Years (Spanish)
- Mantente saludable y vibrante: Adultos de 19 a 59 años/ Staying Healthy and Vibrant: Adults 19-59 Years
- Nutrición Necesaria para los Adolescentes: Adolescentes de 13 a 18 Años/Necessary Nutrition for Teens: Ages 13-18 Years (Spanish)
- Ideas de Snacks Para Niños Compatibles con WIC Nevada/Nevada WIC Friendly Snack Ideas for Kids (Spanish)
- Obtén Huesos Fuertes con Productos Lácteos/Build Strong Bones with Dairy Products (Spanish)
- Aumenta tu Inmunidad con Prodoctos Lácteos/Boost Immunity with Dairy Products (Spanish)
- Obtén el Yodo Suficiente en tu Dieta con Productos Lácteos/Meet Iodine Needs with Dairy Products (Spanish)
- ¿Qué Hay en tu Vaso?/What’s in Your Glass? Milk Comparison Chart (Spanish)
- Un Plato Saluable Guía Para Padres/ A Healthy Plate: Guide for Parents (Spanish)